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2021 Carbon Footprint

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The carbon footprint enables public and private entities to assess their activities in terms of direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions. Computing it is essential for anyone wishing to understand and act on its environmental impact.

Today, Natixis TradEx Solutions (NTEX) commits to this approach and for the first time publishes its carbon footprint. This assessment should make it easier to identify our carbon emission drivers and which areas NTEX can focus on to lower its future footprint – and no environmental improvement can be made without prior diagnosis.

This is the first milestone of a long-term initiative for NTEX.


56,625.48 Kg CO2 equivalent of GHGs (i) : the result of our carbon footprint calculation in terms of emissions over the 2021 fiscal year, i.e. 1,204.80 Kg CO2 equivalent of GHGs per employee (ii). This result breaks down as follows (iii):



NTEX's three most carbon-intensive items are consumption goods and services (meals and services for the most part), IT-related assets, and employee travel (daily work commuting).

Natixis TradEx Solutions' efforts to reduce and recycle waste already led to a low footprint from Energy and waste in 2021.  Our carbon footprint reduction efforts will continue across all items.

Additional information on the calculation methodology is available upon request.


(i)     Greenhouse gases
(ii)    47 employees with permanent or fixed-term contracts, work study contracts rendered available as of 31/12/2021
(iii)   To carry out this carbon footprint assessment, the methodology developed by the Agency for the Environment and Energy Maitrise (ADEME) was used, and 6 emission items were analysed: Energy consumption, purchase of goods and services,
Fixed assets, waste, employee travel, and working from home

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