
Our value-added results from the combination of our team’s expertise with our high-performance infrastructure, together with our ability to design solutions tailored to your specific requirements – all within a fully transparent framework.

Benefit from our multi-asset coverage and the ability to extensively trade on all financial instruments.

Meet the team



A multi-asset trade execution desk


Equities, ETF’s, Derivatives team:

A team of versatile of traders dedicated to equity and associated markets (convertibles, ETFs, listed derivatives)


Bonds, Money markets, FX and Derivatives team:

A team dedicated to Fixed Income markets composed of versatile traders; some of which are focused on short-term instruments (0-2 years) including FX, and the others on longer-term ones (IG debt, Emerging and Sovereign debt) listed derivatives and OTC (CDS, swaps).


Securities Lending team:

The team addresses portfolio optimization on funds entrusted to the team, using temporary security sales techniques (securities lending and repo), targeting additional performance.


Compliance, Internal Control and Risks

A Head of Compliance and Investment Services (RCSI) assisted by a multidisciplinary team in charge of compliance, internal control and risk. 


Business Developpement

A dedicated business development team, in charge of customer relationship management, NTEX marketing and communication. 


Finance & Opérations

Finance team oversees the financial monitoring of the structure. The team is also in charge of the administration of the research fees, and the middle office of the securities lending activity.


Information System

An IT team in charge of implementing innovative technological solutions that meet the needs of the business lines, while guaranteeing the security and performance of the information system. the team is complemented by a Data Science team dedicated to research and innovation in trading activities (e.g. Machine Learning and AI).